
Parkiet TV – Wiktor Wesołowski

Wiktor Wesołowski was a guest of editor Andrzej Stec on the programme Parkiet TV. They spoke about the consequences that companies (primarily public companies) may face due to the new Act on the liability of collective entities for acts prohibited on pain of punishment, which is now being considered by Parliament.

See also

LWW advised private individuals in the disposal of the shares in Petrotak


LWW advised private individuals in the disposal of the shares in Petrotak

LWW advised private individuals in the disposal of the shares in Petrotak

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LWW advises in the cross-border sale transaction of CGH Group S.A. to H.I.G. Capital

LWW advises in the cross-border sale transaction of CGH Group S.A. to H.I.G. Capital

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LWW becomes a session partner at 16th European Economic Congress

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