
Compensation special purpose act for businesses affected by COVID-19

On Friday, the Senate of the Republic of Poland adopted a draft of compensation special purpose act, providing for a simplified route for entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19 to seek compensation.

We are pleased to have been able to work on this bill together with Senator Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, and entrepreneurs whose businesses had been closed due to COVID-19.

The bill will soon be sent to the lower house of the Parliament (Sejm). So far, it has been supported by independent Senators, opposition Senators and several from Zjednoczona Prawica. It is hoped that the discussion and possible amendments introduced by the Sejm, will encourage more communities to support this initiative.

Wiktor Wesołowski participated in the Senate press conference on behalf of LWW. You can watch Wiktor's statement from the 12th minute onwards. 

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