Wiktor Wesołowski

Wiktor Wesołowski

Attorney at law | Partner

+48 22 390 36 31

Wiktor is an attorney and a founding partner of #LWW. In his practice, he focuses on disputes and litigation, as well as compliance issues. He is highly experienced in commercial contract negotiations and regulatory issues.

He represents clients from both the public and private sectors. Recently, he has supported clients in disputes concerning the infrastructure, aviation, health & fitness, IT and agricultural and food industries.

Proceedings he has led on include cases of combating unfair competition, abuses of a dominant position, regulatory issues, disputes among shareholders, and abuses by managerial staff.

Wiktor is an Approved Compliance Officer. He runs trainings on the liability of collective entities, combating corruption in business, and other subjects. He is a co-initiator of the Anti-Corruption in Business and Compliance Section of the Allerhand Institute, and the author of articles published in Gazeta Prawna and Rzeczpospolita.

  • Experience

    Wiktor’s recent experience includes:

    • representing a Dutch capital group doing business in the railway industry in litigation concerning the improper performance of commercial contracts and claims between the shareholders of a Polish joint venture company. The value of the dispute was over 30 million zlotys.
    • representing a leading company from the fitness services industry in matters concerning claims under investment agreements and arising from a violation of Polish and EU competition law, including claims for compensation due to an abuse of a dominant position (private enforcement). The value of the dispute was over 50 million zlotys.
    • representing an operator of airport utilities in dozens of court disputes with a former tenant of duty free retail premises and in precedential administrative court cases concerning the scope of application of the Special Act on Airports. The value of the dispute was over 400 million zlotys.
    • representing a Polish company from the food industry as the plaintiff in criminal proceedings concerning an abuse of trust by managerial staff, the improper keeping of commercial books, and an unfavourable disposal of property. The value of the dispute was approximately 5 million zlotys.
    • advising a company from the energy sector on negotiating and concluding contracts for the sale and distribution of natural gas for corporate clients. The total value of the contracts was over 150 million zlotys.
  • Practice
    • 2011 – 2020 KKLW Kurzyński Łyszyk Wierzbicki
  • Publications and appearances
    • “Dziurawa tarcza antykryzysowa słabo chroni najemców” [“Tattered anti-crisis shield offers tenants little protection”], Gazeta Prawna, 8 April 2020,
    • “Prawo do sądu to również możliwość poznania motywów rozstrzygnięcia” [“The right to go to court is also an opportunity to find reasons for a settlement”]. Gazeta Prawna, 6 September 2019
    • “Nowa procedura cywilna wymusi zmiany w sposobie zawierania i wykonywania umów” [“The new civil procedure forces changes in how contracts are concluded and performed”]. Gazeta Prawna, 3 September 2019
    • “Konsekwencje nowej ustawy o odpowiedzialności podmiotów zbiorowych” [“Consequences of the new act on the liability of collective entities”], Parkiet TV. 12 March 2019
    • “Przed podmiotami zbiorowymi poważne wyzwanie” [“Collective entities face an important challenge”]. Gazeta Prawna, 23 October 2018
    • “Wiktor Wesołowski: jak firma może uchronić się przed karami z tytułu odpowiedzialności podmiotów zbiorowych” [“Wiktor Wesołowski. How a company can protect itself against penalties for the liability of collective entities”]. #RZECZoPRAWIE, 31 August 2018
    • “Czy projekt ustawy o odpowiedzialności podmiotów zbiorowych zagraża firmom? Ekspert wyjaśnia.” [“Does the draft Act on the liability of collective entities threaten companies? An expert explains”], 31 August 2018
    • “Ochrona cennych informacji może być łatwiejsza” [“Protecting valuble information can be easier”]. Rzeczpospolita, 24 August 2018
    • “To już zmierzch międzynarodowego arbitrażu inwestycyjnego?” [“Is this the twilight of international investment arbitration?”] Gazeta Prawna, 28 March 2018
    • “Ustawa o jawności - kłopot przedsiębiorców” [“The Act on Openness - trouble for businesses”] Rzeczpospolita, 23 February 2018
  • Education
    • District Bar Council in Warsaw
    • Warsaw Univeristy, Faculty of Law and Administration